Tag Archives: health

Taking charge of your health


It’s the new year, you aren’t happy with how you look, how you feel and your lack of fitness. Or maybe you are quite fit and can’t seem to get rid of those last few kilos. Or maybe you are obese and don’t know where to start. You switch on the television and hear about how red meat causes cancer, that you should be eating whole grains, that saturated fats cause heart attacks and a myriad of other pieces of “evidence”. Continue reading

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Filed under Health

Grass fed vs grain fed

I’m talking about beef here people. You may or may not have noticed grass fed beef cropping up here and there in restaurants, butchers or supermarkets, but it’s still somewhat rare. You are probably wondering what the difference is between the two, allow me to enlighten you and tell you why the grass fed is so much better both in flavour and for your health. To begin explaining the differences, we need to start with the cow itself. The cow is normally fed grain in the form of corn in order to fatten it up more quickly for sale. While this results in a nice marble (which is clearly the big buzz word at the moment in the culinary world) of the beef, it doesn’t do it any favours in the flavour or health department. Continue reading

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Filed under Food and drink, Health